
kafka franz letters to milena

Kafka Franz Letters to Milena kafka franz letters to milena
Kafka Franz Letters to Milena

Franz Kafka's letters to his one-time muse, Milena Jesenska - an intimate window into the desires and hopes of the twentieth-century's most prophetic and important writer Kafka first made the acquaintance of Milena Jesenska in 1920 when she was translating his early short prose into Czech, and their relationship quickly developed into a deep attachment. Such was his feeling for her that Kafka showed her his diaries and, in doing so, laid bare his heart and his conscience. While at times Milena's 'genius for living' gave Kafka new life, it ultimately exhausted him, and their relationship was to last little over two years. In 1924 Kafka died in a sanatorium near Vienna, and Milena died in 1944 at the hands of the Nazis, leaving these letters as a moving record of their relationship.

2567 Руб.

Canetti Elias Kafka's Other Trial kafka franz letters to milena
Canetti Elias Kafka's Other Trial

In July 1914, Franz Kafka's fiancee Felice broke off their engagement in a humiliating public tribunal, surrounded by her friends and family, and the other woman with whom Kafka had recently fallen in love. Broken and bereft, Kafka - at the height of his writing powers - turned the experience into his masterpiece, The Trial, where his lovers became the faceless prosecutors of Josef K. In Kafka's Other Trial, Canetti explores each letter that Kafka wrote to his fiancee, from their first tender moments together to his final letter and his refusal to reconcile. In this affecting book, he offers moving insights into the creativity of Franz Kafka and the torment he suffered as a man, a lover, and a writer.

2387 Руб.

Kafka Franz Franz Kafka. Ein Landarzt kafka franz letters to milena
Kafka Franz Franz Kafka. Ein Landarzt

»Immer mehr von Schnee uberhauft, immer zweckloser werdend, stand ich da.« Einige von Kat Menschik illustrierte Bucher sind inzwischen Kult – nun gestaltet sie eine eigene Reihe: Werke der Weltliteratur und andere Lieblingstexte, in Szene gesetzt von Kat Menschik. Ein eisig kalter, schneeverwehter Winter; ein Landarzt »in gro?er Verlegenheit«. Ein Notfalleinsatz steht an, aber sein Kutschpferd verendet gerade in der Kalte. Vergeblich schickt der Landarzt Rosa, sein Dienstmadchen, ins Dorf, um ein neues Pferd zu leihen, doch keines ist zu haben. Plotzlich taucht ein ratselhafter Pferdeknecht mit zwei prachtigen kraftigen Tieren auf und spannt sie an. Statt aber auf dem Kutschbock Platz zu nehmen, sturzt er sich auf Rosa, klatscht in die Hande – und bevor der Landarzt seiner Dienerin zur Hilfe eilen kann, rei?en die Pferde ihn in der Kutsche mit sich … So der Anfang der Titelgeschichte von »Ein Landarzt. Kleine Erzahlungen«, die 1919 bei Kurt Wolff erschienen sind. Den anderen Figuren des Bandes geht es nicht viel besser. Ob z. B. in »Auf der Galerie«, »Vor dem Gesetz«, im »Bericht fur eine Akademie«, oder beim Odradek in »Sorge eines Hausvaters« – Kafkas Figuren werden getrieben von seltsamen Geschicken und sie tragen dunkle Geheimnisse in sich. Freilich geht es in diesen Geschichten alles andere als blutleer zu – Kat Menschik gibt mit ihren farbenprachtig schillernden Bildern eine grandiose Interpretation des ersten Erzahlbandes von Franz Kafka. Grandiose Texte, feinste Ausstattungen, ungewohnliche Materialien, uberraschende Interpretationen. Alle Bande im selben Format, alle Bande mit dreiseitigem Farbschnitt – aber jeder Band in anderer Ausstattung und jeder Band mit eigener Bildsprache. Ein Fest fur Geist und Sinne.

5898 Руб.

Kafka Franz The Essential Kafka kafka franz letters to milena
Kafka Franz The Essential Kafka

Like George Orwell, Franz Kafka has given his name to a world of nightmare, but in Kafka's world, it is never completely clear just what the nightmare is. The Trial, where the rules are hidden from even the highest officials, and if there is any help to be had, it will come from unexpected sources, is a chilling, blackly amusing tale that maintains, to the very end, a relentless atmosphere of disorientation. Superficially about bureaucracy, it is in the last resort a description of the absurdity of 'normal' human nature. Still more enigmatic is The Castle. Is it an allegory of a quasi-feudal system giving way to a new freedom for the subject? The search by a central European Jew for acceptance into a dominant culture? A spiritual quest for grace or salvation? An individual's struggle between his sense of independence and his need for approval? Is it all of these things? And K? Is he opportunist, victim, or an outsider battling against elusive authority? Finally, in his fables, Kafka deals in dark and quirkily humorous terms with the insoluble dilemmas of a world which offers no reassurance, and no reliable guidance to resolving our existential and emotional uncertainties and anxieties.

999 Руб.

Kafka Franz Metamorphosis kafka franz letters to milena
Kafka Franz Metamorphosis

"A book must be an ice-axe to break the seas frozen inside our soul." Franz Kafka Metamorphosis tells the tale of Gregor Samsa, a young salesman, who wakes up one day to find he has turned into "a kind of giant bug". Samsa has been a model of virtue for years, single- handedly supporting his parents and sister, but suddenly he finds himself an outcast in his own home, facing a world in which he no longer has a place. Both harrowing and humorous, Metamorphosis is a strange, subtle and moving story which everyone should read.

817 Руб.

Kafka Franz Amerika kafka franz letters to milena
Kafka Franz Amerika

Karl Rossman has been banished by his parents to America, following a family scandal. There, with unquenchable optimism, he throws himself into the strange experiences that lie before him as he slowly makes his way into the interior of the great continent. Although Kafka's first novel (begun in 1911 and never finished), can be read as a menacing allegory of modern life, it is also infused with a quite un-Kafkaesque blitheness and sunniness, brought to life in this lyrical translation that returns to the original manuscript of the book.

3001 Руб.

Kafka Franz Amerika kafka franz letters to milena
Kafka Franz Amerika

‘No other voice has borne truer witness to the dark of our times’ George Steiner After an embarrassing sexual misadventure with a servant girl, sixteen-year-old Karl Rossman is banished to America by his parents. Expected to redeem himself in the land of opportunity, Karl’s youthful breeziness propels him into a series of bizarre escapades which threaten to ensnare him permanently. Though dredged with humour and optimism, Kafka’s first novel bears his distinctive hallmarks, as young Karl becomes mired in an ever more unreal and oppressive system.

2177 Руб.

Kafka Franz Amerika kafka franz letters to milena
Kafka Franz Amerika

Книга для чтения на немецком языке. Франц Кафка (1883-1924) - австрийский писатель. В романе "Америка" (1914) автор в гротескной и притчеобразной форме показал трагическое бессилие человека в его столкновении с абсурдностью современного мира. Оригинальный текст снабжен постраничными комментариями и словарем.

323 Руб.

Kafka Franz Metamorphosis kafka franz letters to milena
Kafka Franz Metamorphosis

Introducing Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith. Celebrating the range and diversity of Penguin Classics, they take us from snowy Japan to springtime Vienna, from haunted New England to a sun-drenched Mediterranean island, and from a game of chess on the ocean to a love story on the moon. Beautifully designed and printed, these collectible editions are bound in colourful, tactile cloth and stamped with foil. One morning, ordinary salesman Gregor Samsa wakes up to find himself transformed into a giant cockroach. Metamorphosis, Kafka's masterpiece of unease and black humour, is one of the twentieth century's most influential works of fiction, and is accompanied here by two more classic stories.

2384 Руб.

Kafka Franz Reisetagebucher kafka franz letters to milena
Kafka Franz Reisetagebucher

In den Jahren 1910 bis 1912 machten Franz Kafka und Max Brod unabhangig voneinander Aufzeichnungen von ihren gemeinsamen Reisen; die Gegenuberstellung der Niederschriften verdeutlicht das Gegensatzliche im zusammen Erlebten. »Das Schlo? in Friedland. Die vielen Moglichkeiten, es zu sehen: aus der Ebene, von einer Brucke, aus dem Park, zwischen entlaubten Baumen, aus dem Wald zwischen gro?en Tannen durch.« »Nie im Leben bin ich je wieder so ausgeglichen heiter gewesen wie in den mit Kafka verbrachten Reisewochen... - es war ein gro?es Gluck, in Kafkas Nahe zu leben.« Max Brod

2003 Руб.

Kafka Franz He: Shorter Writings of Franz Kafka (riverrun ed) kafka franz letters to milena
Kafka Franz He: Shorter Writings of Franz Kafka (riverrun ed)

This is a Kafka emergency kit, a congregation of the brief, the minor works that are actually major. Joshua Cohen has produced a frame that refuses distinctions between what is a story, a letter, a workplace memo and a diary entry, also including popular favourites like The Bucket Rider, The Penal Colony and The Burrow. Here we see Kafka's preoccupations in writing about animals, messiah variations, food and exercise, each in his signature style. Cohen's selection emphasises the stately structure of utterly coherent logic, within an utterly incoherent illogical world, showing how Kafka harnessed the humblest grammar to metamorphic power until the predominant effect ceases to be the presence of an unreliable narrator, but the absence of the universe's only reliable narrator. Who is God.

2479 Руб.

von Kleist Heinrich Michael Kohlhaas kafka franz letters to milena
von Kleist Heinrich Michael Kohlhaas

'I finished it in one sitting. Probably for the tenth time... it carries me along waves of wonder' Franz Kafka Michael Kohlhaas Has Been Wronged. He Will Have Justice. Based on the real life of an ordinary horse-dealer cheated by a government official, Michael Kohlhaas is the darkly comical and magnificently weird story of one man's alienation from a corrupt legal system. When his attempts to claim his rights are thwarted by bureaucracy and nepotism, Kohlhaas vows to take justice into his own - increasingly bloody - hands. Will he be remembered as a dangerous enemy of the peace, or a vigilante hero? Praised by Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann, Susan Sontag, Roberto Bolano, Werner Herzog, and J. M. Coetzee, this is one of the most influential tales in German literature. In this vital new translation by the renowned poet Michael Hofmann, Kleist's bizarre, brutal and maddening story is urgent today.

2188 Руб.

Kafka Franz Die Verwandlung kafka franz letters to milena
Kafka Franz Die Verwandlung

Однажды скромный служащий-коммивояжер, проснувшись видит себя превращенным в отвратительное насекомое. Некоторое время он продолжает жить в реальной обстановке в необычных взаимоотношениях с обычным миром, пока не умирает, заморив себя голодом, чтобы не мешать жить близким. Рассказы, включенные в настоящий сборник, написаны ясным, точным языком, напоминающим по стилю научную или деловую отчетность. Это позволило автору усилить впечатление от изображенных им кошмарных, сказочно-фантастических ситуаций. Издание рассчитано на лиц, владеющих основами немецкого языка и интересующихся историей немецкоязычной литературы.

107 Руб.

Kafka Franz The Trial kafka franz letters to milena
Kafka Franz The Trial

The classic translation of Kafka's great work of psychological horror 'It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary' Rediscover Kafka's classic work of psychological horror. The Trial is the terrifying tale of Joseph K., a respectable functionary in a bank, who is suddenly arrested and must defend his innocence against a charge about which he can get no information. A nightmare vision of the excesses of modern bureaucracy wedded to the insanity of twentieth-century totalitarianism has resonated with readers for generations.

2977 Руб.

Kafka Franz The Castle kafka franz letters to milena
Kafka Franz The Castle

The Castle is the story of K., the unwanted Land Surveyor who is never to be admitted to the Castle nor accepted in the village, and yet cannot go home. As he encounters dualities of certainty and doubt, hope and fear, and reason and nonsense, K.'s struggles in the absurd, labyrinthine world where he finds himself seem to reveal an inexplicable truth about the nature of existence. Kafka began The Castle in 1922 and it was never finished, yet this, the last of his three great novels, draws fascinating conclusions that make it feel strangely complete.

2980 Руб.

Kafka Franz The Castle kafka franz letters to milena
Kafka Franz The Castle

'He is the greatest German writer of our time. Such poets as Rilke or such novelists as Thomas Mann are dwarfs or plaster saints in comparison to him' Vladimir Nabokov The story of K. and his arrival in a village where he is never accepted, and his relentless, unavailing struggle with authority in order to gain entrance to the castle that seems to rule it. K.'s isolation and perplexity, his begging for the approval of elusive and anonymous powers, epitomises Kafka's vision of twentieth-century alienation and anxiety.

1251 Руб.

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